Your Choice, Your Brand, Your Event
Propose your own event and join the Festival with co-hosts Concentrix and Tremau in Amsterdam!
Need input on a project from T&S professionals? Or present your newest research? Or seeking new parterships?
If you're ready to be part of the Festival but haven't settled on the format, we're here to help. Reach out to us for guidance, and we'll ensure your contribution enriches the Festival program without conflict or duplication.
Explore the options available to you—we're excited to hear from you!
Festival Co-hosts (max 3) per Festival
• Dedicated coordination phone calls (max)
• Dedicated 5 LinkedIn posts
• Website promotion
• Registration / Badges
• Participation Feedback
Event Organizers
• Registration / Badges
• Logo on website
• 2 LinkedIn posts
• Participation Feedback
Submit your request if you are interested in hosting an event or have any questions.
1 Day event
Host a full-day event to tackle multiple challenges and go in depth.
2 hour workshop
Host a dedicated workshop (open or closed) to help with one of your projects and engage with different participants.
Half Day Event
Host half a day with panel and indepth discussion
Afterwork, Meetup or Breakfast
Host a networking get-together
to increase collaboration and stop silo work
Together, the Festival team, the Co-Hosts and the Event Organizers, we develop a complete and comprehensive experience for our audience
Joint responsibilities
Marketing of the Festival & events
Collaboration of speakers & participants
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